Monday, 8 June 2009


This is worth watching in full screen with the sound up...

Consider and remember this, that any 'unwanted', 'unhelpful' or 'painful' stuff in your life or within your self (mind, body or otherwise) is just extra energy and that this energy can change, such as a caterpillar into a butterfly... In chinese Qi Gong, an ancient medical science and healing practice, they say that energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be transformed, and all energy (or qi, which constitutes everything) will eventually go back to the infinite source of the universe. All this 'extra' energy you have in your life can and will eventually change (or return to the universe) in some form that is unique and unlike anything else in existence now, past or future. All energy is essentially one and the same, but no energy is 'bad' or 'good', just in a different form and position in space.

I think one of our constant 'challenges' is to open to the possibility of change. With curiosity, awareness and acceptance, and to resolve to keep doing this, with every breath we take (sorry if that sentence got a certain song stuck in your head.) We can't predict exactly what kind of outcome or change will come from any situation, pain, sickness, emotion, etc. but I know that if you try to look at it with positive intentions, or however you choose to deal with it, it has the potential to be something good. There is no limit to the forms of life. That's the thought that came to me looking at these butterflies.

I had intended to make this a short & quick post but well, didn't quite accomplish that. Also my words were probably not a very good expression of this way of thought to anyone new to it, but it'll do for tonight. Just enjoy the nice butterflies!.. I also wanted to include a couple of related snippets from qi gong master Chunyi Lin's facebook page:

"Weiji is the Chinese word for crisis. The two characters that make up the word represent "danger" and "opportunity." When there is a crisis it is an opportunity to make something better. I like that. No matter what happens I am calm because there are 10,000 ways to handle one conflict. Just feel peace in your heart." - Lin

"A crisis can be a great chance for evolution... When there is a drought, water is so scarce that most of your plants will die off. But somewhere out there will be some plants that survive, even with little or no water. If you take the seeds of those plants and share them with your neighbors, you can grow a whole new generation of plants that thrive without wasting as much water as before. Then when you need less water, you can store more water for later on in case there is a drought again.

And the funny thing is, you would never have been able to find out which plants could do that if Crisis had not presented you with the Opportunity" - contributor

There is a lot of change going on in my life right now, one being moving house this week. There are big changes going on in the world. The most important thing we can learn is to live in the present. Remember that TV ad which claimed that the most commonly used word was OK and then proposed "what if the words was 'what if?' ". Forget that. what if the word was "what is?"...
More soon, thanks for all the comments and feedback I'm getting - keep it coming please! Good night


Tim said...

How interesting that we were both on the same wave length. This is a subject I was contemplating last night while I was trying to sleep. I like the idea about crisis, it suggests that 'crisis' may only be a concept. Also made me think that we are in effect still using the same energy as people did thousands of years ago, as it never ceases to exist, it just transforms.

Anonymous said...

I read your article and found it truly helped me shift my perspective,as I had 'blocked' thoughts of this energy. Blocked because the pattern of thought kept repeating itself,and when I read your article, the patterns stopped,as an opportunity to grow out of it,to transform this energy, beguiled me to a new tranformation of inner peace. How wonderful. Thank you,and to the Chinese teachings. :) Tham wi ghepsaw in my Adyghe language. I love buuterflies! They always make me smile,and as if by magic, when I used to feel down,one would flutter by and my :( feelings would turn into :),as if to remind me about happiness. Am thankful :)

Theo Tomlinson said...

Dear 'Anon' poster,

That is wonderful. It means a great deal to me to hear that you found something helpful in my article.
I am slowly beginning to learn how my sharings/offerings can really be an important thing for others.
This is really moving, and encouraging for me to keep writing more and to trust in myself.
I'm curious to hear how you came across my page!

I also am experiencing some blockages in a similar way at the moment. I know that I will find a way to transform them like you have been doing.
Thank you for sharing. It was a real blessing.
And all the best in exploring yourself.

George Shears said...

I really enjoyed the beautiful butterfly video.

Given that constant change is an intrinsic aspect of reality, embracing it is very wise, indeed.

In this regard, one of my favorite aphorisms is: "Every wind is a good wind for sailors who know how to set their sails.

With best wishes,
George Shears

Theo Tomlinson said...

Thanks George!